This is a Training Session on Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in New York City for Community Based Organizations. NYC Votes, NALEO Education Fund, and our partners, want to ensure that CBOs have the tools and resources they need to educate their community members on RCV, and are able to incorporate RCV into their voter engagement and community outreach efforts.
After this training, attendees will be able to educate community members on:
• The basics of RCV
• How to fill out an RCV ballot
• How counting works in an RCV election
• What RCV and general voting educational resources, including multi-lingual resources, are available to community partners and voters.
Location: Committee for Hispanic Children & Families (CHCF) - 75 Broad Street, Suite 620
Audience focus: CBO staff and members whose roles include outreach, communications, constituent services, training, etc.
Geographic focus: CBOs from across the City.
Light refreshments will be served.
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