NYC Votes is partnering with the Department of Education and DemocracyNYC for Civics Week! High school students who are interested in participating in the student voter registration drive as part of Civics Week (March 2-6) should attend a training in their home or school borough. The training will cover voting patterns in NYC, voter registration best practices, and a break-out session to plan a drive at your school. Light refreshments will be provided. Students should be sure to coordinate at least one teacher in their school. Multiple students from one school are encouraged to attend, and each must RSVP individually. Teachers may attend as observers. For any questions, please contact Youth Engagement Coordinator Olivia BradyΒ [email protected].

February 21, 2020 at 4:00pm - 6pm
On Your Mark
475 Victory Blvd
Staten Island, NY 10301
United States
Google map and directions
Christine Cabusay Paulina Cartagena crystal flores

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